Content Knowledge
Students are assessed on their progress towards these standards using rubrics, quizzes, and culminating projects.

Content Knowledge grades are given a value of 1 to 4 with a 3 being the grade that all students are expected to receive to be at "grade level" for the standard being measured. Starting this year (17-18), only the criteria for a "3" will be given. To allow more ownership of their grade, students are asked to self-assess their performance and then reflect or summarize why they earned that grade providing evidence from the criteria.
These are measure of a student's ability to come ready to learn, work with others in their learning community, and "stick with it" when learning can be a struggle. All of these are essential skills to succeed in today's world. Work habits measure the behavior below:
Complete work to the best of their ability
Strive for excellence in all their work
Honor time commitments
Arrive at school/class prepared to work
Work cooperatively with others and independently when appropriate
Work Habits grades are given a value of 1 to 4 with a 3 being the grade that all students are expected to receive to be at "grade level" for the work habit being measured.